The Wizard News

     September 30, 2007

    Better Late than Never

    Well, it's certainly been awhile since the last newsletter. Lots happening all around. Lots of projects.

    The fansite is now being updated in a new software. For those techno-curious souls, I've moved from FrontPage to Dreamweaver CS3. As with everything else on this site I'm learning as I go, so you will notice a lot of wacky, zany formatting on pages here & there. I'm also working on improving the menu bars ~ moving from Java hover buttons to a Spry menu bar ~ so I'm sure there will also be some wackiness associated with that. What would we do without wackiness?

    Another very noticeable change is the addition of 'watermarks' to each image ~ picture or logo ~ on the site. From now on, every image will be imbedded with '' before being added to the site. This is not only to protect the publicity pictures from being scanned, printed & resold by any unfriendly, money hungry, not nice people out there, but also to protect the pictures being added to the site from The Michael Berk Collection. There have been enough problems with people selling copies of the episodes for personal profit, so I felt this was a very necessary step no matter how much I hate to have to do it. The 'watermarks' have been placed so that they don't interfere with the image, but would be very noticeable if the image was cropped to remove them.

A link has also been added to the Home Page with a direct link to The Wizard's personal page on the Starlight Foundation Website. See below for Special Thanks to contributors during the 21st Anniversary Party celebration.

    The final update for today ~ besides the addition of this newsletter ~ is an update to David's Bio page. David's brother, Irving, has been very kind in answering a couple of questions for me & I have added those answers to the 3rd & 4th paragraphs on the page. I've also made sure to add a credit to Irving for his help at the bottom of the page.


    The Petition List, Guestbook/Memory Page & Starlight Foundation Updates 

    . . . and then there were 39!!!  Only 1,961 to go to reach the minimum.

    Thank you Janice, Cathy S., Frankie, Justin, Heather, Steve, Quinn & Brad for adding your names to the list.  It's wonderful to have you on board. I must also thank Cathy S. & 'Sweetestsadist' for adding wonderful messages to the Guestbook/Memory Page.

Thank you to Cathy K. & Ofelia for contributing to The Wizard fund with the Starlight Foundation. The fundraising goal is $3125. To date, we've raised $110. Please check out the page for yourself at . I will be adding the color cast picture to the page soon.

    Please don't forget that EVERYONE, from anywhere in the world, is invited & encouraged to add their name to the Petition List.  Just email The MGT. to have your name added.

    My sincerest thanks, as always, to everyone who has already signed the petition & left a message in the Guestbook/Memory Page.  Every name & message is vitally important.


    The Michael Berk Collection

    The Publicity Pictures section is a work in progress. It will soon consist of at least 3 sections ~ Pictures, News Articles & Advertisements, & Public Appearances. This section will continue to contain all material not directly linked to an episode. You might have some difficulty getting to this section for about a week. With the necessary changes it might not be possible to complete it in a day. The links might not work on every page as you would like, but I will see if I can work around it as much as possible.

    I am very excited & pleased to report that I have finally been able to start on the Fan Letters section. At the moment it only consists of the header page, which is only accessible from the home page, but you are more than welcome to read it for yourself. I have even included one of my favorite fan letter quotes at the bottom of the page.


    The Party

    The 21st Anniversary Party was a lot of fun. I haven't decided how I will update that page, yet, but I will update it at some point to let everyone know about the great time Viv, Leah, Cathy K. & I had. We are planning on a 22nd Anniversary Party in Austin so mark your calendars for September '08.

    If there is enough interest in the next party, I will try the raffle idea again.


    Visitor Counter & Log     

    As of the uploading of this newsletter, the Home Page Visitor Counter has reached 666 new & returning visitors. Yes, I'm serious.

    The Visitor Location Log is sporting a LOT of new global visitors. There is so much to do that I will save listing the locations for the next newsletter.


Now, back to having fun working on the site.



Jessica Markoff Chaney - The MGT.

email: themgt(AT)