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Message to 20th Century Fox

This website is meant to be a celebration of the 1986 television show The Wizard & everyone connected with it.  Since it's conception at the end of September, 2006, the site has become a collective effort of not only fans, but also those directly involved in the show.

Special care is being taken to ensure that all due diligence & respect is shown to all parties involved.  That includes listing credits for everyone in front of & behind the cameras.  It also includes an invitation to all fans, cast & crew members to take part in the site.  That invitation also extends to you.  I have added a note to each picture page containing any photos which are copyrighted.

The photos appearing in the Endangered Species section are personal photos belonging to Priscilla & Marge Weems.  Doug Barr sent a personal message, which is included on the site.  Co-Creator & co-producer Michael Berk has graciously donated all of his memorabilia to the site, which is why it can now be called the official cyber home of The Wizard.  Every piece from Mr. Berk's personal collection is being tagged as The Michael Berk Collection.  Co-creator & co-producer Douglas Schwartz is aware of the site's existence, as is the family of David Rappaport.

There are a couple of goals for this website.  First, as I mentioned above, to celebrate the show.  There may have only been 19 episodes, which were pre-empted every whipstitch, put on hiatus at one point & bounced from one evening time slot to another, but this show managed to open the minds & touch the hearts of everyone who watched it, no matter their age or location, all over the world.  France, South America, New Zealand - wherever the show aired.  I have surfed the net & discovered countless message boards where people are discussing this show.  People who remember the show so vaguely that they can't remember the title, but it had a positive & lasting impact on their lives.  They remember it as something of a lovely dream.

Since it has been 20 years & memories are so faded, I decided to write each episode synopsis in the form of an essay/story.  To touch on the meanings & lessons that the cast & crew worked so hard to impart on the audience in each episode.  I do not wish to give away the entire episode or to plagiarize anyone else's work.  I simply watch the episode & then write about what I watched.  It's like being in school again, but, I must admit, it's the best homework EVER!!  The quotes scattered about the site are a way to pay homage to the writers as well as the actors.  It is also hoped that this will revive some memories, as well.

The information & photos contained in this site are only to pay homage, not to steal.  I have Mr. Berk's instructions & permission to use every piece of his memorabilia in any way I can.  This site will never be used to sell any memorabilia or videos.  It really is all about sharing, having fun & showing love & respect.

The second goal is to create a public base camp where we, the fans, can prove to you how worthy this show is to be released on DVD.  Those same message boards also contain posts of people looking to obtain copies of the show.  Yes, there are people who are making copies of the show, which they recorded during the broadcasts 20 years ago.  Some people have given copies as gifts or in trade.  In trade being either swapping for copies of another unreleased video or the cost of the blank media & shipping, but not for profit.  I, myself, have copies which were given both as a gift to me & a donation to the site.  I don't have the means to make duplicates of the episodes I have, nor do I wish to, as I feel my part in this is to stay focused on the end goal - legitimate distribution of the show by you.  Legitimate distribution that will allow families to be able to watch a family friendly show.  This show has helped so many people & it would be a dream come true to see it help even more.

There are people who do try to sell their copies for profit, & this is something that the true fans would like to see stopped.  The only way is to have the show legitimately released by you.  Even sharing copies is not going to get the show into the hands of every single fan because there are far more fans out there than anyone knows about.  

As much as I treasure the copies that were given to me, I am looking forward to the day when I can buy my own legitimate copy off of the store shelves.  All of the fans look forward to that day.  To know that the cast & crew who are still with us, & the estates of those who have passed, are taken care of properly.  This show, & most especially it's star, opened up the world to me.  I cherish any opportunity to take care of them & show them the utmost respect in return.  I am hoping to help inspire other fans to do the same.

I hope that you find this site worthy enough to be considered a true fan site.  I may be doing 99% of the work involved, but it is really a place that belongs to the show & the fans.  I also hope that we will all be able to work together to facilitate the show's release.  Please let either myself or Messers Berk & Schwartz know if you have any questions or concerns.

Jessica Markoff Chaney - The MGT.

email: themgt@thewizardtvfansite.com

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