Wizard Campaign Update
Over the past couple of years there have been a series of surprises as far as who is willing to join in the campaign & who is not. It has been very disappointing to meet up with so many fans who are either only interested in redirecting the campaign as a whole onto themselves or their projects, or are only interested in obtaining copies of The Wizard by any means necessary for their personal collections.
On the plus side, it has been very uplifting to meet up with so many connected with the show who care more about The Wizard & the fans than they do about a monetary value. Many fans who are willing to donate their time & energy to get the word out & fight for all those who will have a chance to be inspired once the show is released.
A single series show has the greatest uphill battle to convince the studios that releasing the show to video or rebroadcast on television is worth their while. This means that it will take convincing in many different ways. The petition on this fansite is only part of it. Casting a vote with the TV Shows on DVD website is also helpful. Sending a message for the Guestbook/Memory Page with your memories of the show & those involved is also a great way to let Fox know what the show means to you & will probably tell them much more than signatures & percentages ever could.
Recently, I heard from yet another fan who was very honest about desperately wanting The Wizard & not caring how they get it. This made me wonder what fans would expect Simon McKay to do if this was your show or most important project & he was so inspired by you. Would we expect Simon to just take what he wanted & forget about us & everyone else, or would we expect him to want to jump in the fray & help any way he could?
If we think he would help us, is it really too much to ask for us to help in return?
Guestbook/Memory Page
Due to a so-called fan who decided we needed a real life Troyan to make the site complete, I have received a threat which made it necessary to stop using the guestbook made available at A Free Guestbook.Com. This free guestbook website has been a wonderful addition to the site & is highly recommended as a great site to check out should you find yourself in the market for a guestbook.
Until an SQL database can be created specifically for this site, please feel free to email your Memory messages directly to The MGT. & I will be happy to carefully transcribe your messages directly onto the Guestbook/Memory Page for all to read & share.
The Petition List
. . . and then there were 209!!! Only 1,791 to go to reach the minimum.
There have been so many signatures added over the past month that I'll let you go to the Petition List page yourself & check out names 59 to 209 for yourself. A very special thank you to all of the people who have added their names. So many of these people have never seen The Wizard, but are interested in fighting for a family friendly show.
Very Special Thanks to Frankie Leigh & Desiree Stein for collecting most of these signatures. Special thanks, as well, to Viv, Cathy & Bex for their work in collecting signatures. Of course, also to those who voluntarily added their names after finding the fansite on their own.
Please don't forget that
EVERYONE, from anywhere in the world, is invited & encouraged to add their name to the Petition
List. Just email The MGT. to have your name added.
Once again, my sincerest thanks, as always, to everyone who has already signed the petition
& left a memory in the Guestbook/Memory
Page. Every name & memory is vitally important.
The Starlight Foundation Update
One of the most exciting turn of events during this holiday season is reconnecting The Wizard with The Starlight Foundation. The fansite already has a Friends of the Starlight page for the show, but I am also pleased to announce that we are in the works of adding a piece of memorabilia from the Foundation commemorating the Foundation's agreement to be a part of El Dorado. And, if this wasn't enough, The Starlight Foundation is very interested in finding out how they can help with The Wizard's campaign.
I will, of course, keep you posted on any further developments, but please feel free to help out the foundation through our Friends of Starlight page. Each anonymous donation will help bring toys & games & fulfill wishes for children's hospitals & terminally ill children all around the world.
Michael Berk Collection
After much waiting, I am pleased to announce the addition of The Michael Berk Collection index page. Like the rest of the site, there is still so much left to add, so this page is far from complete. But it will be a way for visitors to find all of the exclusive memorabilia Michael Berk has so graciously shared with all of us.
Two of the most exciting additions are very rough drafts of the never completed episodes - Simon vs. Simon & Two Souls/One Breath. As with all of the drafts & episode scripts,these are transcribed to keep down any chance of copies showing up for sale on Ebay or anywhere else. I would also like to remind everyone once again that plagiarism is not cool, so please just read, enjoy & no fair copying or stealing.
Last, but certainly not least, is the addition of the agency picture sent in with Cheryl Gates McFadden's resume.
Counter & Log
As of the uploading of this newsletter, the Home
Page Visitor Counter has reached 1,491 new & returning visitors.
The Visitor
Location Log is still in the process of being updated. We have reach over 600 locations on the list. The locations are always very impressive.
We have also discovered that the show aired in Pakistan, as well.
Surprises around every corner!!! And so much left for me to do.
Wishing everyone a Very Happy, Healthy & Safe New Year on behalf of The Wizard & all those connected with the show & this fansite.
Jessica Markoff
Chaney - The MGT.
email: themgt@thewizardtvfansite.com