To David from Robert Shea (co-author of the Illuminatus! trilogy)
(letter transcribed in it's entirety with permission from Michael Shea)
Amazing to realize that it has been almost ten years since we saw you tread the boards as Markoff Chaney, but Yvonne & I have been following your career as closely as we can. Our son, Michael, who was four when you played in Illuminatus! became a David Rappaport fan with Time Bandits. And all three of us gathered around the set to gleefully watch (and tape) The Wizard last Tuesday night.
We're delighted that you've made it to Hollywood & to a starring role in your own series. You certainly deserve it. We thought your performance in the first Wizard was first-rate, & we're looking forward to making a rite of watching every future installment.
I read an interview with you in the Chicago Sun-Times in which you speak of facing all five sides of a pentagon. How good to know that you are keeping the faith with the Law of Fives. The article also said that your appearance in Illuminatus! (which they spelled Illuminatas) was something of a turning point in your career. I guess it was for everybody involved, one way or another.
Both Bob Wilson, whom I believe you've seen in London from time to time, & I seem to have done well out of Illuminatus! The word "Illuminati" seems to show up somewhere on the cover of each one of Wilson's books. And through Ken Campbell's production of Illuminatus! I acquired an agent who has landed me good contracts to write historical novels. I've had two published so far & am working on a third. Themes from Illuminatus! have a way of creeping in.
You might also be interested to know that Illuminatus! -- which is still in print, amazingly -- won the Hall of Fame Award of the Libertarian Futurist Society. I accepted the award -- a gold coin weighing ten grams, stamped with a profile of Adam Smith (well-known Illuminatus) on behalf of BobW & myself at the World Science Fiction Convention in Atlanta last week.
Anyway, hope The Wizard is a blockbuster. Just wanted you to know that the Sheas are out there in Televisionland cheering you on.
Bob Shea, Glencoe, Illinois, USA ~ September 12, 1986
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RE: The new show "Wizard"
Your show is a winner! David Rappaport portrays Simon just great.
I read in the "T.V. Guide" (T.V. Week), the show is "aimed squarely at unclutered younger minds & bodies". I loved the show & I have an older mind and body. I'm 54 years old.
Good luck to the future of the show.
Connie R., age 54, Rocky River, Ohio, USA ~ September 9, 1986
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Hi! How are you? I hope well. I couldn't wait until tonight. The Wizard was on. Well I loved it. So did my parents. We hope it doesn't get cancelled. (I really think shows deserve more than 2 weeks on TV) I don't think I like the person who makes the rules up. But anyhow I sure hope you keep The Wizard on. I love the actors especially Mr. Rappaport. I like the girl too. Why did you fire her? Honestly. Well anyway just wanted to let you know we love The Wizard.
Lisa S. & Family, age unknown, Bensalem, Pennsylvania, USA~ September 9, 1986
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Me & my family are all big fans of "The Wizard". We all love that show, especially Mr. Wizard himself, Simon. We hope that it will stay on the air a long time. Too many times our most favorite shows get axed & we never get to see them ever again except in reruns several years later. Either that or they constantly get pre-empted by specials or sports. We hope that "The Wizard" will not suffer that doomed fate.
Keep up the good work.
Richard S. & Family, age unknown, Stayton, Oregon, USA ~ September 24, 1986
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Watched the "Wizard" with my grandchildren last night & I was delighted - as they were. So glad to have something to interest everyone.
The first time I've seen David Rappaport & thought him to be very appealing.
Doug Barr has been a favorite of mine from "Fall Guy". I am happy to see his I.Q. has jumped up a few points. (comparing Howie & Alex)
T. J., age unknown, Coeur D Alene, Idaho, USA ~ September 9, 1986
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Our whole family loves THE WIZARD. A wonderful hour of escape without sex, drugs, split homes, teen-age brats, etc. Whoopee!!
P.S. Love Fran Ryan
Betty K., age unknown, California, USA ~ September 17, 1986
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Thank you. Mr. Rappaport is indeed a Wizard, for on his new show he delights & impresses my family. I assure you we want to watch television, but the major stations infrequently provide anything but violence & sex. "Wizard" has violence, probably will have sex, but at least it also gives a charming main character who uses his brains & succeeds.
G. D., age unknown, San Francisco, California, USA ~ September 11, 1986
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To David
My brother & I watched your show "The Wizard". We thought it was terrific. You're a really good actor. I just had to let you know.
I look forward to watching your show again soon.
Rose M., age 18, Champaign, Illinois, USA ~ September, 1986
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All Fan Letters are from The Michael Berk Collection
Note from The MGT.: Each letter has been carefully transcribed to preserve the writing style of the author while removing any information not meant for public viewing.
email: themgt@thewizardtvfansite.com