Here is a copy of the letter that my daughter wrote to CBS about Wizard. She worked hard getting a lot of names of people that likes Wizard - kids & adults. I hope this helps to keep "Wizard" on air. It's a great, wholesome family show. Hope it stays on air. Enclosed is an extra copy. Maybe you know someone else to send it to. She sent one to all 4 names on your list.
Crystal's mom (Melinda)
To CBS Executives,
My name is Crystal. I like "The Wizard". I hope it comes on next year. Here are some of my friends that like it & hopes it comes on next year.
Crystal B., age 9
Liza N., age 9 . . . . . David H., age 12
Carlynn T., age 8 . . . . . Jim B., age 12
Paige D., age 9 . . . . . Melinda B., age 36
Angela S., age 8 . . . . . Michael H., age 15
Jakia T., age 10 . . . . . Ronny R., age 32
Latoya J., age 8 . . . . . Natasha R., age 9
Jennifer G., age 20 . . . . . Kim R., age 11
Winfred G., age 24 . . . . . Elaine Richards, age 29
Jonathan F., age 10 . . . . . Dona B. age 30
Travis B., age 9 . . . . . Randy M., age 41
Jeffery Powell, age 9 . . . . . Jimmy F., age 12
Joey S., age 8 . . . . . Peggy R., age 56
Keturah M., age 9 . . . . . Latavia D., age 9
Frank H., age 8 . . . . . Celia S., age 9
Deloris R., age "Teacher" . . . . . Laura G., age 10
Spannon S., age 9 . . . . . Terrence C., age 10
Brenda D., age unknown . . . . . Mary H., age "over 20"