I watch the little Wizard every week & my mom told me that you were taking it off the air. Please don't because I don't think there are very many shows for kids like the little Wizard. Just please don't take the little Wizard off the air.
Chelsea G., age unknown, Lake Forest, California, USA
Hi, here's a copy of one of my letters that I sent to the CBS executives.
And I want to Thank You both for creating "The Wizard".
P.S. Would you please say hi to David Rappaport for me?
To CBS Executives,
I just wanted to write & say how much I enjoy watching The Wizard show, starring David Rappaport. That is one terrific show. I love it! and my whole family does too. And we hope The Wizard will continue for many seasons to come.
It is so refreshing to find a chow like The Wizard, that's not only exciting & entertaining to watch but on that believes in the same kind of standards that I believe in. Things like always be truthful, to not run away from problems but face them & of never giving up on something you believe is right. I see that & more in every episode of The Wizard, & sometimes I'm reminded of something I might have known but kinda lost track of - like the importance of listening to your kids & understanding them. And you know - it's nice to be reminded.
My thanks to you & CBS, for having a fine program such as The Wizard on the air.
I'm sorry that I didn't have time to have a copy made, but I wrote a copy of my letter to the CBS executives for you. I hope this will help you. Good luck.
To CBS Executives,
I heard that CBS is going to cancel The Wizard. I'd just like to say that I think The Wizard is one of the best show's on T.V.
The Wizard has heart. It has adventure. And the non-violence to the end of a problem is very important. All in all the show has a lot of positive values. And I would appreciate it very much if you would reconsider your decision on The Wizard.
We love the Wizard, Please don't take it off the t.v. The kids all love him.
Thank you.
Mary J., Paul J., Andy J., Vickie J., John J., Caroline J., Roberta J., Mark J., Lewis J., Dale J., Shelia J., Jeff J., (illegible signature), Williy J., Lester J.