To CBS Executives,
I am writing to request that you please, please not cancel "The Wizard". I have just read that possibly CBS might be considering canceling this show, & as a mother of a 5 year old boy who lives for this show, & also appreciative of good quality programming on a weekday night appropriate for a child of this age, I must ask that you please give it more of a chance, at least for this whole season. Even if you could move it to another night around the same time, I think it is definitely worth saving.
My son is not the only fan of this show. I also look forward to watching it with him. David Rappaport is an excellent actor & is a delight to watch. To be honest with you, I know the story line is fantasy-like & sometimes simplistic, but it usually carries messages with it of import & I enjoy the way David portrays his subject, also Doug Barr & "Tillie", (I don't know her real name), but David is the Star!
I think the problem might be the time of schedule, at the same time as ABC's "Who's The Boss" & "Growing Pains". These programs already have an established following & many people are not going to switch over to "The Wizard" just because they are in the habit of watching these shows. I, myself, usually watched these two shows every week & probably would not have switched over had it not been for my son. Now, I would not miss it for the world!
How could you take off this show & leave on some of the other ones that are so stupid? I know this is only my opinion, but there are too many shows on now which all but glorify violence, etc. ., etc. ., & I think children (& adults also) deserve a break from this kind of thing, & we need more happy & satisfying shows like "The Wizard" in our lives. Please use your influence to keep this show on. I thank you in advance for your consideration.
Cathy K., age 36, Dallas, Texas, USA - October 22, 1986
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To CBS Executives,
I would like you to keep the Wizard on tv. I like the Wizard. It is a neat show. I think all the toys & things in the show are great.
Brandon Cooke, age unknown, Citrus Heights, California, USA - October 24, 1986
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