As requested, below is the letter I sent to the CBS exectutives:
I really love "The Wizard" & have ever since I saw the first episode. It is such a wonderful, entertaining program & my family & I really look forward to it. I think the cast is great & work well together & really makes the show enjoyable. It is such a superb show with positive values & I have no reluctance of it being watched by children of all ages, but by no means is it only for children. It is so relaxing to watch after a long day at work.
Although we are enjoying the re-broadcasts very much we are anxiously awaiting the new season.
Thank you very much for everything.
Yvonne, age unknown, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA - March 27, 1987
If you want me to start a real campaign for "The Wizard", just let me know. Already I've started to pass out the flyers. One to my roommate (who does not like the show), & my house parent. I'm also going to have my friend Bruce help, too. Bruce, like me, also likes your show. We don't want the Wizard's magic to die.
Joy C., age unknown, Oneida, New York, USA - March 20, 1987
I am enclosing copies of letters I have written to the CBS executives, from the very first one in October to these most recent ones. I am afraid I did go on too much about "The Wizard" & its benefits to our children in the first two letters. I have enlisted at least seven other "Wizard" fans to write letters. Whether or not they can all do so, I am uncertain. Their spirits seem willing but it's just their taking the time to do it. At least one person I know has already written.
Anyway, here's hoping for the best. I am glad for the opportunity to have helped in any way & will gladly do anything else, for we really do love the show. If, despite our best efforts, the show is not renewed, I thank you for a wonderful show which we have enjoyed tremendously, & we will never forget the year "The Wizard" came into our lives.
I am writing just to let you know how much I & my family have enjoyed watching "The Wizard" over the past few months. It took us a while to discover it, but we love it & never miss it now. We are a busy, average, two income family with one child & feel this is one of the best shows on television at this time. In fact, it is the only show we make sure to watch every week! We love everything about the show. It is so nice to look forward to such a happy & satisfying show as compared to so many other shows which all but glorify violence or offer sarcastic or pessimistic views of life; even the "sit-coms" so prevalent today are shallow in content compared to "The Wizard". We particularly enjoy David Rappaport in his portrayal of Simon McKay, which is excellent, & also enjoy Douglas Barr & Fran Ryan as their characters - they have become quite a part of our family!
We feel the amount of imagination & creativity that go into the making of "The Wizard" is quite evident. My husband & son particularly enjoy all the gadgets that "Simon" comes up with & the ways in which he uses them . . . . we enjoy the dialogue very much as there is usually always some reference of cultural or historical significance - I know my son has learned a lot from this point of view, & the humor involved never failes to make us laugh! We appreciate very much the values portrayed on the show. "The Wizard" offers just enough escapism for relaxation at the end of a hard day but is substantial enough to offer realistic & rewarding ways to cope with life's difficulties; of course all these things work together, but to me this is one of the best things about the show.
I realize the ratings have not been great, but I am not sure these statistics are a true indication of how many people are watching. I, for one, have never been asked what I watch, & noone I know has ever taken part in reporting what they watch. I happen to know that a lot of people in Dallas watch "The Wizard". Perhaps if you would give it a better time slot & a consitent one then more people would be able to see it & the ratings would come up. Please use your influence to renew "The Wizard" for next year. We Love "The Wizard" & have not yet had our fill! What will we do without "Simon's" enthusiasm & encouragement to look forward to each week if the show is not renewed? Please do what you can to bring this wonderfully satisfying show back to us.
Cathy K., age 36, Dallas, Texas, USA - March 17, 1987
Hi. I want y'all to keep the Wizard on the air. I think the Wizard is a very very neat show to watch, & I enjoy watching the Wizard. It gives us grown ups a kids something to watch. I think David Rappaport & Doug Barr & that lady does a very good job on the show. Do you really want to know what the problem is? Y'all people don't give out the address in time for us fans to write to the shows & they go off the air. And that's why the show is going off the air, cause you don't give us fans half a chance to write to the shows. Of course, us fans want to write to the shows. You know what? There is no address for us to write to them.
P.S. Mike or Doug please make copies of this letter to all the producers & directors to all different areas & shows. Thanks.
Danessa M., age unknown, Oroville, California, USA - March 26, 1987
As a family we have become distressed to learn that THE WIZARD may be canceled by CBS.
I am sure we are one of few viewers who realize this is a possibility since my daughter Wendy wrote to THE WIZARD as a fan.
Please reconsider canceling this excellent program. There are many programs on today's television that my family & I feel are unsuitable for viewing. We as a family not only consider the "moral" aspects of a program, but also its quality & positive influence.
Frankly, we have grown weary of "junk" programs (Tortellis, Silver Spoons, Roxi, What's Happening Now, Facts of Life, Take Five, Knot's Landing, Dallas, Falcon Crest, & Miami Vice) surviving & thriving, while well produced & thoughtout programs such as THE WIZARD meet a sudden death.
David Rappaport as the wizard is an excellent role model for the American family since he & his character demonstrate the creative & positive aspects of the disabled & handicapped. He allows us to view him as a normal person who contributes to the world, not someone who is "different" & not part of life's normal process.
The program is extremely well done & stimulates one's imagination. It can be easily seen that a great amount of time & creativity has been spent on producing these programs, & there hasn't been one that our family hasn't enjoyed. Because of this, we have more respect for sponsors that support programs such as THE WIZARD. If they support such good quality programing, then one must reason that THEIR product must also be of good quality.
These are difficult times for the family. Programs that exploit sex, violence, women (men & children also), & the family are not in our best interest. We need quality entertainment with positive attitudes that THE WIZARD provides, please don't let us down by replacing THE WIZARD with "garbage programing". Remember, life can go on without television. If quality programing is lacking on CBS, our family can & will find better quality entertainment elsewhere.
Adele, P., Kim & Wendy V.H. (Family Petition), Canyon Lake, California, USA - March 31, 1987
Thank you for the opportunity of helping "The Wizard" stay on the air. I still fel it is the most wonderful show that has been produced in years. The pleasure has been all mine to write to CBS on behalf of the show. The many hours of viewing pleasure your show has afforded me are priceless. Many many thanks for creating this wonderful show.
Enclosed are copies of three letters to CBS. The first is the original one which I wrote back sometime in November, although I forgot to date it. At the time, I had read that "The Wizard's" popularity was questionable & the show had been prempted for several weeks. I wrote it to try to keep the show from being cancelled then.
The other two letters are the copies you requested fo the letters I'm writing to CBS in favor of the show's renewal. I've sent a copy of each one to New York, as well as a copy of each to Los Angeles. I hope & pray that they help to keep the show on the air.
I'm wondering if it would be helpful to write additional letters to "The Wizards" sponsors. I'll write them too, if you'd like. I tend to buy the products which sponsor shows I enjoy.
Again, thank you for the opportunity to help you. You've helped me more than you know with this show.
To CBS (letter #1)
I'm writing to commend CBS for it's excellent offering of shows over the last several years. My particular favorites have included "Murder, She Wrote" & "Scarecrow & Mrs. King". In fact, "Scarecrow" has been my favorite since it's inception until this year when you introduced "The Wizard". To be honest, I don't recall ever having had a television show affect my life the way this wonderful show has.
"The Wizard" is positive & uplifting. Each episode is better than the one before it. I like it's positive approach to life's problems. There have been many wonderful moments in which Simon McKay has helped people out of the types of problems we all have faced since childhood & still face every day. There have been moments when the pressures of my work week have overwhelmed me & I find myself thinking back to some episodes & finding some quote of Simon's to help me.
Another plus for the show is how Simon uses his imagination to solve problems. There are too many shows which depict a person reaching for a weapon or his fists when adversity strikes, but one can actually see Simon thinking his way out of problems. By using his mind, he avoids trouble & comes out on top. Imagine how this might influence children, as well as adults, who see it.
In the second episode, simon is shown telling a group of children who are bored, that their imaginations are the best places to play. If children can learn that, perhaps fewer children would be bored enough to try drugs.
I also like Simon's ways of showing respect for others. This is something we all need to learn to do better. Whether showing it to a teenage mother, a troubled street kid, or a blind girl, simon subtly tells us that everyone has value & worth. Maybe, if given enough time, "The Wizard" can help reduce the prejudices so many people have for others who are somewhat different from themselves.
Because of the many wonderful aspects of the show, & the possibilities "The Wizard" has to do such good, I'd like to see it given more time on the air. Adults as well as children benefit from it's positive message. I pray it is renewed for another year & for as many years as possible beyond that. I, like many of my friends, do not enjoy television with unnecessary sex & violence, & the selection of good, wholesome family entertainment such as "The Wizard" is all too small. Please renew "The Wizard" & help the viewing audience by keeping an eye out for more high-quality, uplifting shows of this caliber.
Thank you for the excellence in programing this last season. Those of us who depend on the networks for our viewing pleasure appreciate your concern. Keep up the good work & thank you again.
To CBS (letter #2)
Thank you so much for the joy you hve brought to so many viewers through the wonderful selection of shows you've offered this past year. In particular, thank you for "The Wizard"!! This is absolutely the best show to air on any network in years!!!
What innovation the producers of this show have! In so few episodes they have covered so many essential issues it is unbelievable. Their positive approach to such things as human value & dignity, prejudice, understanding, love, patience, etc. is beyond compare! The subtle way in which they approach each ideal is wonderful.
For example: I'm not a fan of rock video. In fact, I had rather assumed that the people who made them were rather "far out" & not really worth the bother of getting to know. I had never realized before that I had this prejudice. Actually, I had always prided mysefl for not having any prejudices at all. Yet, after the episode entitled, "The Heart of the Dancer", I was made aware of this fault & also a few other areas in which I might be slightly unfair in my thinking. Yet it was all done so subtly & tastefully. I think those of us who want to improve our relationships with those who share this world of ours appreciate help of this sort.
Never in any episodes has there been a preachy effect, yet the positive ideas & values are presented each week. Wonderful! I truly feel that given time, "The Wizard" can do a great deal of good for society. I'm an adult & I love the show because it is positive, uplifting, & entertaining. After a rough week at work, I really look forward to this one special hour each week. In fact, I actually count the hours between shows!
I'm thinking that the longer "The Wizard" is allowed to air, the greater good it can do. I, for one, know of the effect television has on children. As a child, after watching the same bad guy get "killed" week after week on various westerns back in the late fifties, my small friends & I decided to play cowboys & indians. We must have been 7 or 8, maybe younger. At any rate, we decided to "hang" the smallest child of our group the way we had seen it done on T.V. Fortunately, the junior high school around the corner had just adjourned for the day. Some students, seeing what we had done, cut the boy down in time to save his life. He had already turned blue, but they were in time. We did in innocence what we had seen done harmlessly on television. We did not know that what we saw on T.V. were carefully staged stunts.
When children see violence, drug use, & sex glorified on T.V., what must their wonderful young minds think & grasp? That's why I think the way I do about "The Wizard". It, & other shows like it must be given a chance to reach these young people & undo some of the damage which has already been done by reaching & influencing them to use their minds, their imaginations, & their understanding of other people for creating a more wonderful world in the future.
"The Wizard" is a blessing. I'm glad my favorite network has it. As it teaches us to understand & appreciate all people, no matter what their size, color, shape, eucational background, nationality, or persuasions, & to accept ourselves as we are too, we will truly create a better world for future generations.
Please renew "The Wizard" for at least another year, perhaps longer. It is a wonderful show! You are to be commended for bringing it to us. Those of us who depend on the networks for our viewing pleasure thank you.
Charlotte K., age 40, Phoenix, Arizona, USA - March 25, 1987
I think that "Wizard" is a good program for all ages. It doesn't have all the garbage as some programs do. It's an exciting & adventurous program.
I heard that this program might go off the air. You should not do that. It teaches everyone something about themselves & others. Wizard gives you imagination & creativity.
It's so hard to find quality programs & to see that this might go off the air because of ratings that don't mean much.
To Michael Berk & Douglas Schwartz,
This is a copy that I made. Good luck on the Wizard. I've sent flyers to a lot of people. I will write to David Rappaport again.
Wendy V. H., age unknown, Canyon Lake, California - March 28, 1987
I couldn't resist doing another letter. Here's a copy for your files.
To CBS Executives,
I am writing you once again on behalf of "The Wizard". I, along with most other people I know who watch it, was appalled that CBS chose to move it again, & of all times to Thursday nights, across from the #1 (Neilson-wise) rated show! What chance does any show have in that spot? It does not matter to me, I gladly forego Cosby & Family Ties to see "The Wizard". Still, I do not think this was a wise decision to move it to that spot. I know it didn't get great ratings in the position it was in before, but I hop you are not going to judge your decision about whether or not to renew "The Wizard" on the ratings it has gotten whil being across from "Whose The Boss" & "Matlock", & "The Cosby Show". You know from previous letters my feelings about the ratings, that they are unreliable & do not represent the average American family really.
My husband & I feel the amount of imagination & creativity involved in making "The Wizard" is evident. He & my son really enjoy all the inventions "Simon" comes up with & the ways he uses them . . . we enjoy the dialogue very much as there is often some reference to cultural or philosophical significance, & the humor involved never fails to make us laugh! We appreciate very much the vaules presented through the character of "Simon McKay", etc. Actually, "The Wizard" offers enough escapism for relaxation at the end of a hard day but is substantial enough to offer realistic & rewarding ways to cope with life's various situations. Of course, all these things work together to make a good show, but this, to me, is the best thing about it.
Please make a commitment to this show for next season for it really is one of the best shows on television these days as far as my family & I are concerned. In fact, it is the only show we make sure to watch each week, arranging our schedules around this show, (which is hard to do when it keeps moving around!). We love "The Wizard" & have not had our fill! Please do what you can to bring theis wonderful show back to us.
Cathy K., age 36, Dallas, Texas, USA - March 20, 1987
Is CBS planning to cancel The Wizard? I hear that you might. My name is Renee S. I am a 23 year old insurance secretary & mother of one child. While my husband is away my son & I are living with my grandparents.
We all love to watch The Wizard. Even my 2 1/2 year old son stops what his is doing when he hears the music to it on tv. My grandmother enjoys it as much as I do, & she really enjoyed it when they had Stewart Granger on recently. When I get depressed, as I sometimes do because of my husband being away, it is nice to watch The Wizard because it always seems to lift my spirits & gives me a good laugh, & then I find I am ready to go on to the next day after hearing "Simon McKay" say "never give up".
I really hope you are not going to cancel this show & we can look forward to seeing it for a long time to come.
Renee S., age 23, Dallas, Texas, USA - March 24, 1987
I am writing to you about the wonderful T.V. series "The Wizard" starring David Rappaport. I would like all of you to know how much my friends & I really enjoy watching "The Wizard". It is the Best program on Television these days. That might not being saying much, for the quality of most programs on the air is very poor. Not the Wizard! It has the perfect mixture of fantasy, comedy & adventure.
David Rappaport is Terrific & so is the rest of the staff. They work great together & have created the perfect show, that can be enjoyed by all ages young & old (by the way I'm 28). I would also like to mention that I really enjoy hearing the voice talents of Frank Welker. He is the new Mel Blanc as far as I'm concerned. Well I thought you would like to know how Carle Place Long Island felt about your show. Everyone I know loves & enjoys the Wizard every week. Please keep up the good work.
Catherine F., age 28, Carle Place, New York, USA - March 27, 1987
Hi there. I love the program the Wizard with David Rappaport. David Rappaport is almost as good as Michael Landon. I like the series when he helped those American Indians & the one with the teenaged parents & their baby.
I'm not a child. I'm going to be 20 in August. I like Fran Ryan, too. I think the show needs more "Little People" like David Rappaport.
Keep it on the air. I know it needs a little work, but even Bill Cosby isn't perfect.
Ratings aren't everything. A program with MORALS is everything.
If you want to take a show off the air, take Dallas, Colbys, He-man, Family Ties or Miami Vice of the air.
P.S. Keep the Wizard on!
Angela P., age 19, Mitchell, Illinois, USA - March 20, 1987
My family & I would like to express how much wwe enjoy "The Wizard". We hope this program will continue for another year. We sure would miss our Thursday night Popcorn Parties while watching "The Wizard". My daughter, who is four years old, loves watching Simon. My husband & I feel better watching this show with her than many others which we turn off. We believe the morals stressed in "The Wizard" are very worthwhile.
"The Wizard is a fun, exciting & touching program that we hope will continue!
Thank you for taking time to read our letter.
To Michael Berk & Douglas Schwartz,
Enclosed is a copy of the letters we sent out to help Save "The Wizard". We hope all goes well.
Conniedee M. & Family, New Philadelphia, Ohio, USA - March 25, 1987
I heard that "The Wizard" may be cancelled. I'm a handicapped ex-Marine & I'm unable to get out & go to different places. my only enjoyment is TV. I really enjoy Mr. David Rappaport in The Wizard. I'd appreciate if you would keep the little guy on the tube.
Billy S., age unknown, Memphis, Tennessee, USA - March 24, 1987
I am an avid fan of your TV show, "The Wizard", & am hopeful that it remain on the air for many more years to come.
This is a unique show in the realm of TV series: it is clean, wholesome family entertainment, is genuinely creative, & it is uplifting -- the way entertainment is supposed to be.
The acting is top-notch, with the main characters well-matched & attractive. In particular is the superb David Rappaport. He without a doubt has to be one of the best actors in show business. What a stroke of genius to have had him cast as the Wizard! Mr. Rappaport to adeptly portrays Dr. McKay that he seems to have become the embodyment of his virtues: kindness, truthfullness, integrity, & perserverance. What is most important, he teaches us -- both through his character & by the fact that it is he in the role -- that everyone, even the smallest among us, is of immeasurable worth; everyone can amount to something. And, by the way, he does all this & generates an appeal all his own.
You are to be congratulated for one of the best shows on TV today, & perhaps ever. Keep up the great work -- for many, many more years!
Professor Marguerite G., age unknown, Brooklyn, New York, USA - March 18, 1987
To cancel the Wizard would be quite unfair. Every other episode has ben pre-empted for a News Special or Regan's new health problem. The Wizard hasn't really had a chance to do its stuff. The show teaches children that people can love & care about each other. The Wizard shows us that Magic is Love. Even when someone tries to hurt the Wizard, he always tries to do what is right. Now don't you think that's what we should teach children & adults. Or should we teach our children about WAR?
Please don't cancel the wizard. I really enjoy having that handsome face in my living room every week.
Kathleen F., age unknown, Sacramento, California, USA - March 26, 1987
I'm sending you the xerox letters that I sent to the 4 executive producers you aske me to write concerning CBS's number one show "The Wizard". I certainly hope these letters help get "The Wizard" renewed. I've been passing on these addresses to my friends, neighbors, etc. I certainly hope the response of all "The Wizard's" fans help him stay on TV!
Thanks to everyone that created "The Wizard". They all have to be very special to put together a special show. Thanks for giving the viewers such a nice clean show.
To CBS Executives (letter #1)
I'm writing to you concerning the best show on CBS "The Wizard". As I've understood it, in a few weeks CBS will make their decision to renew or cancel it. "The Wizard" is the type of show that is clean, family entertaining & has a viewing audience of all ages. Every episode of "The Wizard" is as exciting as the first. If people would just watch it very closely, maybe they'd learn something from it. David Rappaport, Doug Barr, Fran Ryan makes the show as special as it is, plus the crew that puts the show together have to be special also. So would you make all of us "Wizard" fans happy & renew it for us?!
To CBS Executives (letter #2)
I'm writing to you concerning the number 1 show on CBS "The Wizard". It seems to me that "The Wizard" has been the only surviving new fall CBS show. My family & I love the show so much! It's very clean & a family type show, that thousands of children & adults love to watch. People can learn to care about others from it. David Rappaport, Doug Barr, Fran Ryan are three very warm & caring people, that make the show what it is, plus it takes special people to put the show together. So please think about renewing "The Wizard" & think how happy it'll make a lot of "Wizard" fans.
To CBS Executives (letter #3)
I'm writing to you concerning my favorite show "The Wizard". I've heard in a few weeks that CBS will make their decision to cancel or renew it. I'm puzzled whenever a good clean type show comes on TV that everyone loves to watch it's always cancelled & something less enjoyable is put in it's place. I can not understand this. In my opinion, "The Wizard" is the best family type show on CBS & it's very clean. There's hardly ever any violence in it. David Rapppaport, Doug Barr, Fran Ryan are the best. People love a show as "The Wizard". Thousands of fans that loves "The Wizard" hopes & prays you can help renew their favorite show.
To CBS Executives (letter #4)
I'm writing to you concerning your great CBS show "The Wizard". I've heard that in a few weeks CBS will make their decision to renew or cancel "The Wizard". I & my family have been very upset to hear this. "The Wizard" means a great deal to us & I can imagine thousands of other children & adults across the country. David Rappaport, Doug Barr, Fran Ryan are just a wonderful team together. "The Wizard" is a very clean family type show. It's a "helping people" show to me. We need more shows just like it on TV. People can learn from the show. So please think about renewing "The Wizard" & make a lot of people happy & make CBS number 1!
Anna M., age unknown, Martinsville, Indiana, USA - March 22, 1987
I would like to thank you for your letter regarding the possible cancellation of The Wizard. I am posting the yellow flyers in area stores & schools.
Enclosed are copies of letters my son Aaron & I have sent to the CBS Executives. I intend to write a similar letter every week until such time that the series is renewed.
Aaron wants to know if David really plays the drums. He says he's going to practice harder now if the Wizard plays drums too!
In closing, I would like to commend both of you on the magnificent job you are doing on "The Wizard". People tend to forget producers & others when handing out praise. We only see the performers & tend to forget that without you, the show couldn't go on. Keep up the great work & thank you for a wonderful show.
To CBS Executives (letter from Aaron)
The Wizard is my favorite show. Please do not take it off. Simon is one of my heroes. I like all the things he invents. I like it because no one gets hurt & it is fun to watch. I like Tilly, too, especially when she dresses in a gorilla suit. I want to be just like the Wizard when I grow up.
Your friend Aaron Baker - 7 years old
To CBS Executives (letter from Julia)
I recently wrote my first fan letter. It was addressed to David Rappaport of "The Wizard". As I stated in that letter, "I am 34 years old & have never written or wanted to write to a performer before." David Rappaport is a wonderful actor & I admire him.
I was very upset to find out that "The Wizard" may be cancelled. Here again, I have never written a letter reflecting my views on a particular program, but as Simon McKay would state "Never Give Up", & I won't.
My son & I watch very little television. I don't find that the programs live up to my expectations as something I want my 7 year old to watch.
When I saw the premiere of "The Wizard", I was thrilled. Finally a program with very little violence & a tremendous amount of positive messages. A good example of this positive thinking is his "Never Give Up" motto. That has become a standard here, when faced with a problem my son & I remind each other that "Simon says, 'Never Give Up'." Here is a program that shows children & adults alike that the best way out of a bad situation is by using your head, not your muscle.
The episode about the young couple in danger of looing their baby to the black market brought tears to my eyes. My son loved seeing the 'bad guys' get 'slimmed' by the doll, no one got hurt & the young couple learned a valuable lesson about trust & honesty.
Henry the VIII was another good example. Although one person did get murdered (no one's perfect), Simon's compassion for his creation was heartwarming. I marveled at the usse of quotes from the literary greats that were used as data with which to program the robot to "feel"! It sent me back to the books to rediscover the insight those brilliant men have left behind for us all.
Many programs get off to a poort start, especially if put up against a well established program such as the Cosby Show. Sometimes it takes people a while to realize just how nuch a show has to offer. We are all creatures of habit & until someone has the nerve to show us something new we sit & vegetate in our ruts.
For me & many others I have talked with, "The Wizard" is a refreshing change. It offers so much: comedy, drama, moral lessons, & it also stimulates the imagination which is something few, if any other programs do.
If the Wizard is cancelled I feel CBS will be taking a great step backwards in creativity. I believe the old saying goes something like this, "You never miss a good thing until it's gone." If the Wizard goes off, so does our TV. It's theonly reason we turn the set on every Thursday night.
Please don't turn us off!
Julia B., age 34, & Aaron B., age 7, Urbana, Ohio, USA - March 23, 1987
The purpose of this letter is to ask you to please continue The Wizard. It is an exceptional show - a rare blend of real imagination, fine acting, wonderful wrtiting & stories that are acceptable on two levels. On the one hand, it's superior children's program (a rarity on Network T.V.) that convincingly conveys all sorts of worthwhile values, & on the other, it's a fine hour of escapism for adults like myself who grew up in the 50's when imagination was encouraged.
I must tell you that I am one of those viewers who watches very little Network T.V.. No sitcoms, game shows or soaps. When I do watch T.V., I generally watch Public Television stations. There are three Network programs that I never miss, however, & ironically tow of them are now in the same time slot. I watch CBS Sunday Morning, Our World & The Wizard. Lately, I've been taping one to watch later while I watch the other one. Is there any chance The Wizard might be re-scheduled in the future?
At any rate, please understand that you clearly have one of the most interesting & thoughtful programs on the air. You should be proud enough of it to continue to support it. I will.
Carol B., age unknown, Denver, Colorado, USA - March 16, 1987
Enclosed are the letters that you had requested sent to the CBS executives. I was very happy to have been able to write these for you on the show "THE WIZARD". I am sorry that I was unavailable for your phone call.
I know that you, Mr. Rappaport & the entire cast & crew, have made the show one of the warmest, most sincere on television. To have put all of your time & effort in making the show the quality yo have, & then have it canceled, would be a great loss.
Again, thank you for requesting my help. Please let me know if I may be of any further assistance.
To CBS Executives,
Recently I read that you are considering canceling the TV show "THE WIZARD". Would you please reconsider that decision. The show is one of the warmest & most sincere on television.
David Rappaport with his caring & geniune feelings has made "THE WIZARD" a wonderful decent family show. Mr. Rappaport & the entire cast have put magic & hope back into our hearts. The show goes beyond basic entertainment & reaches deep inside us.
I believe that the show "THE WIZARD" really was not given the chance to develop a regular audience. During Christmas time it was preempted with cartoons. Afterwards, the show had to be delayed because of the movie, "GONE WITH THE WIND". Now you have moved it to Thursdays.
You asked Mr. Rappaport to come to America because of his qualities as an actor & writer. Please give him a chance to continue to give America these wonderful talents.
Thank you for taking your time to listen & would please keep "THE WIZARD" on the air & in our hearts.
Margie O., age unknown, High Springs, Florida, USA - March 15, 1987
This letter is coming to you in support of your great show "The Wizard".
I have been a fan since the show started despite constant pre-empts & schedule changes.
The wonderful stories with their vivid imagination & special effects truly delight me. David Rappaport is super as the star & Alex & Tillie are great as the supporting cast. It's such a pleasure to take off on a wonderful fantasy once a week.
There is too much violence with very little entertainment on T.V. Your show provides fun, adventure & excitement, not to mention wonder. In one hour it manages to capture the imagination & anticipation that E.T. created on the big screen.
If you tried to reach the children as your audience I believe this show, "The Wizard" would become one of your biggest hits.
Please give the show a chance. It has too much going for it not to put it on for another season. This kind of show is unique & you have the opportunity to make it famous.
Thank you for your time.
P.S. I am 53 years old
To CBS Exectutives (letter #2)
I'm writing to express my support & delight in your show "The Wizard".
I have been a fan since the show started despite constant pre-empts & schedule changes.
The Wizard is a delightfully adventursome fantasy filled with imagination, anticipation & wonderment. What's going to happen next?! The writers are very talented & David Rappaport is perfect as the wizard. Alex & Tillie complete an excellent cast of characters.
You have a unique, one-of-a-kind show not on any other network. It has the portential to become an all time great if you would capture the children's audience. Having a moral to every story where good overcomes evil is similar to "the force" in Star Wars. Its great value is in developing imagination in our youth for good, for fun, for adventure.
Please let us have the pleasure of The Wizard for another season. Take the leadership role in inspiring our youth to be moral citizens with a desire for goodness rather than powerful criminals.
Thank you for your time.
To CBS Executives (letter #3)
I am writing to express my support & delight in your show "The Wizard".
I've been a fan since the show first came on the air. You didn't give it much of a fair start, pre-empting it with sports & then not knowing when to schedule it. Despite these setbacks I made a point to read the TV Guide to find out when it would air & made sure I saw it.
The Wizard certainly has talented writers! The show delights the viewers with the imagination & fun & fantasy that takes place each week. David Rappaport is perfect as the wizard & I've grown very fond of Alex & Tillie as supporting characters.
I believe The Wizard could be one of the most successful shows on T.V. It's a new concept & is therefore unique & one-of-a-kind. It has positive values in presenting a moral to every story or good overcoming evil. Children would support it 100% if you aired it so they could be your audience as well as we adults.
It's such a pleasure to take off on a wonderful new adventure in imagination for an hour each week. Whoever is responsible for creating the Wizard should be given a gold star!
Please let us have the pleasure of The Wizard for another season.
And thank you for taking the time to listen to me.
To CBS Executives (letter #4)
This letter is being written in support of your great show, "The Wizard".
I am a constant fan of The Wizard despite continual pre-empts & schedule changes.
The Wizard combines adventure, fantasy, excitement & wonder with anticipation & iimagination. The writers are truly talented & I look forward each week to see what they are going to come up with next. David Rappaport is perfect in the starring role & I've grown very fond of Alex & Tillie as the supporting characters.
Please give this show another chance. As an adult I get to see it whenever you decide to air it. If you went after the children's audience you would capture as much support or more, than the Cosby audience.
The Wizard is one-of-a-kind & you have the opportunity to make it a hit since you are first to create this wonderful adventure.
T.V. needs more of these kinds of shows. I'm sick to death of crime & violence as entertainment. There is sufficient in the daily news without having to watch such stories as relaxation.
The Wizard helps develop imagination & provides morals to its stories & one leaves it regretfully.
Again, I'm looking forward to another season of The Wizard. I hope my letter will make a difference.
Trish C., age 53, Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA - March 16, 1987
Enclosed is a copy of the letter I sent to each of the four CBS executives you listed on your reply to my first letter. I have also asked my friends & relatives who watch "The Wizard" to do the same. As a mother concerned about the quality programming for my children it has been a pleasure doing what I can to help keep this terrific adventure series on the air.
Good luck with the success of the show as we will be anxiously awaiting to hear of its renewal.
To CBS Executives,
Thank you so much for putting such a wonderful show as "The Wizard" on the air. I really couldn't say who enjoys the show the most, my three & seven year old children, myself, or my sixty year old parents. What a great show it is to be able to entertain three generations of viewers!
It was a little confusing finding "The Wizard" placed from a Tuesday night to Saturday, back to Tuesday, & then to Thursday, but we followed it closely & never missed an episode. (Yes, we even pass up the Cosby show to watch it!) The reason we watch the show regardless of the day it comes on is because it is a unique family show which promotes good values to all ages groups.
I would also like to mention what fine actors the show has cast as its main characters. David Rappaport, Doug Barr, & Fran Ryan do a wonderful job portraying their characters. And I must say also how refreshing it is to find a terrific short statured actor as Mr. Rappaport portraying a warm hearted, highly intelligent man instead of being cast in the typical elf or leprechaun roles. The dignity he brings to his role is a credit to all short statured persons & I applaud CBS for doing so much to promote this positive image!
Once again thank you for this wonderfully entertaining family show which I hope will be on the air for many, many more seasons to come!
Gabriele P., age unknown, Nevada City, California, USA - March 16, 1987
As you requested, here are the copies of the letters I sent to CBS. I certainly hope they help.
Please convey my sincere hopes for the continued success of your show to the cast & crew & KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
If there is ever anything I can do for you, please don't hesistate to call me. I would be pleased to help in any way I could.
To CBS Executives (letter #1)
I am writing to you in support of "The Wizard". Please renew the show for next season.
The show is the best new show for the 1986 season in my opinion. In these days of abundant television sex & violence, it is heartwarming to find a show like "The Wizard" that shows us values, humor & good, old-fashioned fun.
This show stresses the value of keeping your imagination alive & leaves me with a good feeling after watching it. Even though the show has been contantly pre-empted & moved around all season, I have watched it throughout.
As a person who hopes to one day have children, I would really like to bring my children up on "The Wizard". Since I don't really know when I'll have children, I tape the shows as they air & watch them throughout the week. Now how many shows can boast the kind of supporters that tape & save all of their shows? Not many!
Just so you know, I don't tape shows unless they mean something to me. The only other shows I have done this with are "Star Trek" & "M*A*S*H".
I sincerely hope I have conveyed to you the positive effect that "The Wizard has made on my life, & I thank you for your continued support.
Thank you for your time.
To CBS Executives (letter #2)
I am writing to you in support of "The Wizard". Please renew the show for next season.
I realize the show has not been at the top of the ratings, but when it was constantly being pre-empted & moved around, it really didn't have a fair chance. Especially when it was put up against such shows as "Who's the Boss?", "Growing Pains", & now "The Cosby Show".
I can't stress enough the need for such shows as "The Wizard". In my opinion "The Wizard" rates right up there with other positive oriented shows as "Highway to Heaven" & "Star Trek". These kinds of shows entertain while also imparting a sense of values, & they leave you with a feeling of hope after you've watched them.
Please give "The Wizard" a chance to show you what it can do. I'm positive that the show will be very successful once it is put in a time slot where it doesn't run up against shows like "The Cosby Show". Can't you put it on Saturdays when there is NOTHING decent on TV? I watch my own movies on Saturday nights because there aren't any shows worth watching.
Thank you for your time & for your continued support of "The Wizard". You won't be disappointed.
Mindy C., age unknown, Virginia Beach, Virginia - March 16, 1987
Hang in there. "The Wizard" is a winner & we all know it.
Thank you!
To CBS Executives (letter #1)
Good day. I am writing to show my unwavering support for a most unique & wonderful series - "The Wizard".
I realize that this is renewal time & I feel an urgent need to make clear how much this series means to me. It's very hard to describe the tremendous joy that the mere thought of this show fills me with. It's the reason I smile so much. Some people would counter this view with something like, "It's silly." Yes, so it is. But, I for one have enough reality to deal wiht druing my day. There are a lot of pressures out there, as I'm sure you're aware of. It's so nice to be able to sit down with such dear & talented friends as David, Doug & Fran & just have a ball. It never fails that I laugh hysterically at some of the things Simon comes up with! You see, if Simon can do it, so can I. And I'm not a kid either. In Simon's world, people trusst & care about each other. We "realists" could learn a lot from him. Look how he changed Alex.
I really believe in this show wholeheartedly. I want to see it continue for a long time. That's why I intend to keep writing letters for as long as it takes. David has never let me down & I'm not going to let him down. I've learned the value of believing in something & really striving to make it happen.
Thank you for your time & consideration.
To CBS Executives (letter #2)
Good day. I'm writing on behalf of the most wonderful show on television "The Wizard".
The love I have for this show & the warm feelings it brings to me are quite indescribable. Never before have I had such a reaction to a television series. Wow! I'm in a whirlwind from it still.
the most important ingredient in this appetizing series is, of course, Mr. David Rappaport. He sparkles so much. He makes Simon leap right out of the television & into the living room. He relaly has such a warmth that reaches out to people. He's taught me a lot about believing in myself & others. In a world where realism teaches us cynicism & distrust, it's very refreshing to see Simon reaching out with a helping hand to people.
So you see, I think this show should continue for a long time. I intend to do all I can to insure this.
Thank you very much.
To CBS Executive (letter #3)
Good day. I'm writing to show my enthusiastic & unwavering support for the CBS series "The Wizard".
It's extremely hard to describe the warm feelings that this series & its cast give me. I smile just thinking about it. I've never had such a reaction to a television show before. I'm really in a tailspin! To say I love it doesn't even really do it justice. It's the brightest star on television.
David has such a vibrant personality that it just leaps off the screen into my living room, a most welcome guest. For one hour a week David, Doug & Fran stop over & we have a ball. I've really come to think of them as friends.
That's why I believe so much in their show. You see, I've learned that if you really believe in yourself, anything is possible. well, I do & I truly believe in David. He has so much talent!! I love him. He's never let me down & I don't wish to let him down. So I won't. I'll keep writing on his behalf.
Thank you so much.
To CBS Executives (letter #4)
Good day. I wanted to write to you & tell you how much I love the CBS series "The Wizard".
I want to see this series continue for a long time & I intend to keep writing these letters of support for as long as it takes.
I don't watch a great deal of television, but every so often a show comes along that is unique & refreshing & really just a ball to watch. And "The Wizard" more than fits the bill. The warm, wonderful feelings & the smile I get just thinking about it just begin to describe how I love this show. I've really never been so affected by a television program.
On the surface, one may think that this is a silly kiddie show. But, upon looking deeper, there are some real lessons in humanism & the human spirit to be learned. Simon's world promotes trust & caring. The denizens of the "real" world could learn a lot from him. I'm not saying that this show isn't sort of silly, but I really need to the warm laughter that David, Doug & Fran provide after a hard day at the office.
David has such a sparkling personality that leaps off the screen into my living room. A quite welcome visitor.
So you see, this show is very important to me. I urge you to give it the chance it so rightly deserves.
Thank you for your time & consideration.
Kathleen C., age unknown, Clintondale, New York, USA - March 16, 1987
To Michael Berk & Douglas Schwartz ( letter from Judith L.)
Thank you so much for inviting me to join the crusade to save "THE WIZARD". I hope I've helped promote the show. I know you asked for promotion of the "it's not just for the kid's" theory, but I feel that can be used to the show's advantage as you can see from my letters. I had total family support & my family wished to have their names included on my letters not only as a support team for the show, but to inforce the variety of ages in our household who enjoy the show. If in the even the show is dropped by CBS, is there a chance for syndication? It would be tragic to lose the show altogether.
Hopefully, it won't come to that. Again, I appreciate your asking for my help & am willing to help you in the future. I will continue to promote "THE WIZARD" for as long as the show is aired. Keep up the great work!
To CBS Executives (letter #1)
Hello! I am writing to you in hopes to persuade you to continue with one of your series. We all enjoy & watch "THE WIZARD" & hope that you will give the show a chance to find its audience. Although all of the adults love the show, we find that the children are delighted with the adventures that go on. Is it so bad to be known as a children's show? The values that the show projects in a young child's mind is so very important. But I wouldn't put the show into any category, except great "family" entertainment. Do you realize how many shows are geared towards tons of young children? I mean children 10 years & under. ALF is the one that comes to a lot of adults minds but in my home ALF is a forbidden world. ALF is rude & insensitive & down right nasty. Also, if you gave "THE WIZARD" early evening time space I believe that would shoot the ratings up. What difference does it make if the t.v. is tuned for young children to enjoy say at the 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. time slot. Do you know what it means for a child's eyes to light up at the sight of Simon McKay & his inventions? It tends to attract the adults of the household to the t.v. to see what their child is giggling & excited about. Unfortunately, staying up to 9:00 is trying on most children. Please consider what we are saying for the sake of a lot of people, young & old.
Thank you.
To CBS Executives (letter #2)
We hope this letter finds you well. We will get right to the point. As a small collection of concerned people we felt obliged to write & implore you to keep "THE WIZARD" for another season so the show can find its audience. We feel a great injustice would be done to young & old alike. The show is entertaining for our family & would be greatly missed in our house. It has been stereotyped as a child's show, but when you figure that there is very little television for the younger set (10 years & under) that instills the values like "THE WIZARD" a lot of parents want this type of program. Putting the show in an earlier time slot would be helpful, as most children & parents find that 9:00 p.m. is a bit late. One thing most of America is wondering is why is it wrong to be known as a children's show? Is it embarrassing? Also we find the adventures of "THE WIZARD" extremely well brought. It is a welcome change to see a show that can take you out of your livingroom & into a heartwarming story that in our opinion equals to the Disney features. We are fed up with being placed in another family's home (as in most programs) & thrown into the same daily problems of other families. It is boring because we all live those same lives daily. "THE WIZARD" offers the basic values we want our children to learn & is also helpful in stimulating the imagination. Please consider our pleas & keep "THE WIZARD".
To CBS Executives (letter #3)
Good day. We shall try to be as brief as possible & get to the matter at hand. "THE WIZARD", as you know, is at theh point of the shelf. We would not like to see that happen & so we are looking to you & other concerned persons involved in the decision making process to keep the show for another season. Pleas give "THE WIZARD" a chance to find a following. The show brings forth the imagination of young & old alike & like most virtues in America, the warm feelings that one gets from great family entertainment. Of course "THE WIZARD" is known as a children's show, but adults in our household enjoy the change of pace. It is very refreshing to watch a program that is not a carbon copy of your own every day relationship with family. We don't want to be transformed from our living room to a television family's household & see what we do every day in our own lives. We love to be taken on adventures & sown the good side of life, to laugh & become part of a wonderfully exciting place for an hour. Maybe if you placed the show into a 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. slot the ratings would soar for there is so little programming that we allow the children to watch. None compare to the values of "THE WIZARD" & in our opinion "THE WIZARD" compares with the great Disney features. So we implore you to keep "THE WIZARD".
Thank you.
To CBS Executives (letter #4)
We hope this finds you in a good mood for we are abot to ask something of you. As concerned viewers we feel it would be unjust of you not to keep the wonderful program "THE WIZARD" for another season until it finds the following it deserves. there are so few shows that are family orientated for the very yound & older persons alike that instill the values that so many people with there children to be subjected to. Other than the Disney features, which in our opinion "THE WIZARD" is equal to, there are no shows whatsoever that takes one on adventure & makes you laugh & feel like you're right there. You must believe that the mind is a wonderful tool & using ones imagination is working the mind. What is so bad about being stereotyped into a so-called child's program? If "THE WIZARD" is such a show then why don't you move the show to an earlier time slot, say 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.? The ratings would soar & the people at CBS would have one of the hottest shows around. Popularize on the fact that the program is geared for the young & old, a show that brings wholesomeness & great family entertainment. We are tired of seeing the same lives we live daily being brought back in our homes on other programs. "THE WIZARD" takes you to places that are as far as the imagination travels & that to us means a lot. Thank you for your time & we hope you will renew the show for next season.
Maria L., age 48 / Walter L. (sr.), age 65 / Cheryl B., age 27 / Paul B., age 26 / Judith L., age 25 / Walter L. (jr.), age 22 / Audrey B., age 4 / Robert B., age 3 / Thomas B., age 3 / Rachael B., age 2 / Samson L., age 15 / Pearl B., age 7
Family Petition, West Warwick, Rhode Island, USA - March 17, 1987
Enclosed is a copy of the one page letter I have hand written to each of the CBS executives whose names & addresses you supplied to us - as per your request.
Please note that in the letter to the CBS executives I also state that my wife, an elementary school teacher, recommends "The Wizard" to her class of 27 students.
Away from school property we have contacted several parents of her students & requested their write-in assistance in support of "The Wizard". We're still at it.
I have also hand written a "letter to the editor" of our local paper - if they publish the letter it will have a circulation of 17,000 plus. I will send you a copy if that happens.
To CBS Executives,
"Th eWizard" as portrayed by David Rappaport is on of the few television shows my entire family & I watch regularly & enjoy.
David Rappaport as "The Wizard" with his mountain-sized intellect & positive humanitarian philosophy is right on target.
"The Wizard provides meaningful, thought-provoking wisdom & insight to some genuine solutions for more than just a few of our current people-oriented ills, via "The Wizard's" weekly television program. In our opinion, this family's opinion, "The Wizard" is a television program every thinging family - adults & children - should be watching. Anyone who doesn't watch "The Wizard" is the loser.
Will, my 13 year old son, sees "The Wizard" as a modern day hero to pattern himself after with my blessings. "The Wizard" is a positive hero every American can be proud of. He is equal in stature to the beloved American cowboy.
Linda, my wife, an elementary school teacher, watches with us & recommends "The Wizard" to her entire classroom of 27 students because of the positive attitudes, genuine responsible concern, & compassion for his fellow man, friend or foe, & imagination that David Rappaport give to his portrayal of "The Wizard". "The Wizard", to us, is a genuine, new American hero for today, the 1980s, & the future. Thank you for bringing him to us each week.
Tom, Linda & Will L., Family Petition, Quinlan, Texas, USA - March 16, 1987
Per your letter to me concerning "THE WIZARD", I have written to the excutives at CBS. You asked me to send a copy of that leter to you. Here it is.
Good luck to you (and to me!).
P.S. Please tell Mr. Rappaport "Smile!".
To CBS Executives,
If one voice makes a difference at all, then here I am.
When you introduced "THE WIZARD" in the fall, I fell in love. The show is funny, clever & utterly charming.
They've taken David Rappaport's undeniable talent & put it to a wonderful, gentle use. Namely, a subtle moral exchange in each show. Please don't take him of the air.
We live in a world where violence on our screens is the norm. We join our peers day to day in a violent world. I know. I make my living from death, at a funeral home. "WIZARD" is relatively violence free, & the bad guys always get caught. Hooray!
Restore my faith in programming. Please let this show continue.
I don't think you'll be sorry. I know I won't.
Laini W., age unknown, Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA - March 15, 1987
Recently, I read an article which indicated that in the near future, CBS would be deciding whether or not to renew the television show, "The Wizard". The reason I am writing you this letter is to express my feelings & love for the show.
My family & I have watched every episode of "The Wizard" since it first began. We watched "The Wizard" when it first aired on Saturday evenings then switched to Tuesday evenings & now on Thursday evenings. We have truly enjoyed watching the show & have grown fond of David Rappaport. The Wizard & David have filled a definite void in our evening television viewing.
The Wizard is a good, clean show which has provided us with many hours of enjoyable & humorous viewing. It is the type of show which appeals to all age groups, both young & old. The four members of my family are all adults.
I feel the most important message that this show communicates to all age groups is that no matter how hopeless a situation may appear, never give up hope. Yes, never give up hope no matter how bad things may appear. There is always hope & a solution to every problem, all we have to do is look for it. In addition, I feel the show communicates the message that good will always triumph over bad in the end. I feel these messsages are extremely important in today's troubled society. If these messages are able to prevent one suicide or stop someone from taking drugs, then the show is extremely valuable.
I appeal to your good judgement as smart & wise business executives to renew The Wizard for another season. I sincerely hope & pray that you will carry forth the message, "The good will always triumph".
P.S., age unknown, Woodside, New York, USA - March 17, 1987
As per your request I have written letters to the CBS executives. Enclosed are xerox copies of those letters which I mailed on March 19, 1987.
Also, I have handed out the pamphlets you sent to me. I have asked all the people I gave them to to please write letters.
I hope this campaign is successful & was happy to do my part to help. "The Wizard" is a good show & very much deserves to be renewed for another season.
To CBS Executives (letter #1),
Congratulations to you & CBS for having such a wonderful show as "The Wizard". It's one show the whole family can watch & enjoy together. Adults as well as children can receive entertainment from this quality program.
David Rappaport is outstanding, & the show as a whole really is terrific. I am 43 years old & I love "The Wizard". Please keep this fine show going forever.
Thank you.
To CBS Executives (letter #2),
I value my television watching time & choose to watch only quality programs. You & CBS should be very proud of one such quality show. "The Wizard" is by far one of the finest programs which can be enjoyed by the entire family.
I'm an adult & I love watching this wonderful show. David Rappaport is just sensational & the show as a whole is 100 times better than "The Cosby Show" could ever be. Please keep "The Wizard" on the air. We need entertainment of the quality on television.
Thank you.
To CBS Executives (letter #3),
In this day of moron sit-coms & true garbage television, it is refreshing when a show comes along which is entertaining enough for children ye does not insult the intelligence of adults. Such a rare & wonderful show is "The Wizard". This is a quality program with appeal for everyone. I'm a 43 year old reasonably sane & intelligent adult & I love "The Wizard".
David Rappaport is excellent & the show deserves to run forever. Please keep this wonderful show on the air.
Thank you.
To CBS Executives (letter #4),
I sincerely feel that "The Wizard" is perhaps the finest show on television today. It is of the highest quality & is one of the few real "family" shows on the air. I mean the adults as well as the children in the family can enjoy this wonderful show. I'm one of those adults who loves "The Wizard" & choose to watch it far & above "The Cosby Show" anytime.
Please keep this rare jewel alive for us to enjoy. It's a tru gem, & so is David Rappaport. He's sensational.
Larry S., age 43, Sacramento, California, USA - March 19, 1987
Enclosed is a copy of the letter sent to the CBS executives.
Thank you for including me in the efforts to renew The Wizard. I have passed the addresses to several people - including most of my daughter's third grade class! Our family will be anxious to hear in the coming weeks if our efforts were successful.
To CBS Executives,
I am writing to Thank You for the series "The Wizard" & to urge you to renew it for the coming year. Each new television season our family looks for something we can enjoy & view together. Imagine our delight in finding "The Wizard". We have watch from the beginning episode & have followed every scheduling move it has made. We scheduled our activities so we're home when "The Wizard" is on. No other program can make that claim!
Thursday is no longer part of our children's week. The day after Wednesday has become "the day Simon's on". Their chores are done, their rooms are clean & they are in their places by 8:00 pm. They adore the program. They willingly gave up Cosby for Simon. They actually sit still through the entire program. And getting four children under the age of ten to sit stillis no easy task!
My husband & I are also very impressed with "Th eWizard". Thomas has worked back stage theater for many years. He loves the technical workings of the program. I love the fact that the characters are human, they actually have emotions & are allowed to show them. I cannot express how pleased I am that my children have chosen as their hero someone who feels & shows kindness & compassion for others. They also see that when Simon McKay makes a mistake he doesn't give up - he merely starts again. What a wonderful lesson!
We adults, too many times, forget the things that are important. We forget the pressures children face, we forget to build self-esteem. We forget that little things - like watching a television program together are important.
We need more programs that teach as well as entertain. Programs that remind us of the values that are really important. We don't need anymore A-teams or people who use their fists to solve their problems.
I encourage you with all that I am to leave "The Wizard" on the air. Maybe we'll all learn to be compassionate when we grow up!
Evelyn L., age unknown, Marshall, Michigan, USA - March 17, 1987
This is a copy of the letter I sent to the network as requested.
To CBS Executives,
I enjoy the series entitled "The Wizard" & it's the best on the network today!!!! "The Wizard" is the most interesting & inventive on the air today. The writing, acting, gadgets are great!!!!! The cast seem to have a good time making the series.
I wish you poepl at the network stop moving the series around so much so we can follow the series. It seems like when you people at the network move the series around you are trying to kill it before it can build up a following.
The Wizard is the best on your network today!!!!!!!!
David B., age unknown, Lutherville, Maryland, USA - March, 1987
I would like to express my support for CBS's airing of THE WIZARD series this season & my sincere hope that THE WIZARD will be a part of the CBS family for years to come. It is a joy to find a program which underscores in a gentle & dignified presentation the positive potential of the imagination & the humane obligation to care about people.
Beyond the humanity radiantly apparent in the character of Simon McKay is his essential message that learning is a life-long source of pleaseure. The character of Tillie reflects warmth, resolve, optimism & the inner strength which allows her to forge a family from the trio of principals. In a world where cynicism & detachment are all too evident, THE WIZARD's emphasis on building bridges of trust & channels of comittment is a welcome affirmation.
Again, my thanks to CBS for opting, beyond glitz & glitter, for genuine treasure in THE WIZARD.
Moire T., age unknown, Ocean Springs, Mississippi, USA - March 18, 1987
My family & I are writing to express our sincere hope that you will renew the program "The Wizard" for next season. We enjoy watching The Wizard as a whole family. The show offers plots complex enough to challenge the kids as well as to intrigue my husband & I. Also, the show promotes the values that we hope to instill in our children; courage, hope faith, & concern for other people. It is rare to find all of these attributes portrayed during these last few weeks & hope that you will not change the format of the show if you do renew it. Most important is scheduling. Please put it on a night such as Saturday when there is little elsse available for family viewing. Putting the show on Thursday night against Cosby is probably the worst thing that you could have done. Friday night after 8pm would also be a good time to air the show. We are also big fans of Scarecrow & Mrs. King so we do not want you to change that show.
We hope that you will take our letter seriously in making your decisions for programming for next season. Thank you for your kind attention.
Ivan, Charissa, Nathan & Mariah V., ages unknown, Family Petition, Mt. Vernon, Iowa - March 18, 1987
Please don't take the Wizard off the air because I like it so much. It's my favorite show and I watch it every Thursday. Oh! By the way, I'm eleven and I LOVE YOUR SHOW.
Erin W., age 11, Largo, Florida, USA - March 20, 1987
I'm getting my friends to write to you & we will keep writing you.
To CBS Executives,
I'm Patricia O., 12 years. I love the show Wizard it is my favorite show & I watch it every Thursday night. I think it is a good show because it has non-violence & teaches kids not to give up. Please, please don't take it off the air. I have a strong feeling for your show. Once again, please do not take your show off the air.
Patricia O., age 12, Largo, Florida, USA - March 20, 1987
I received your letter on Monday. Since then, I have spoken to many of my friends & they said they would write to you. I sincerely hope that we can pull this off. Enclosed are the xerox copies of the four letters I sent to the executives. I wrote to all four, & I told my friends to please write to all four also. Thank you for letting me help.
To CBS Executives (same letter sent to each of the four),
I would very much like for you to continue "THE WIZARD" forever; well, at least for another year. I enjoy the show so much that I am very disappointed if I miss an episode. Luckily, I have missed only one episode so far, I never want to miss another episode. It's because "THE WIZARD" is such a great show. It has everything; a handsome star, great co-stars, an excellent plot, great adventures, human interest, & science-fiction (you know, the electric toys that Simon has). I think he has stuffed animals, too, but they just look cute & comfort you, they don't do or say anything. I still think they belong with the other toys, too, though.
I am not the only one who feels this strongly about the show; I have many friends at school that talk very positively abut it the next day. And beforehand, for that matter, in expectation of that week's particular episode. I will get them to write to you, too. Plus my parents also like the show a lot. I think that the parents of my friends like the show, too. I'll try to get these people to write to you, also.
I still cannot believe that you are undecided as to whether or not to renew "THE WIZARD" for the next year. You should. I'm positive that it has gotten very high ratings. If it were in my power, I'd nominate it, & the people in it, for an Emmy. But I don't know how I'd go about doing that. It is such a super show, & the actors & the acress are the best.
I love all the episodes of "THE WIZARD", but each new episode seems better than the previous one. The one withe H.E.N.R.Y. VIII was particularly good, though. I think that the voice of the robot was Mr. Roddy McDowall, but his name was not in the credits. Maybe I'm mistaken.
I think that this show is the greatest, so PLEASE renew "THE WIZARD" for another year. Thank you very much.
Linnie U., age unknown, Warwick, Rhode Island, USA - March 16, 1987
I want to thank you for acknowledging my letters. Enclosed is a copy of the letter I sent to the four CBS executives you listed. In my letter, I tried to stress all the positive aspects of The Wizard that I could (Not that I could think of any negative aspects, mind you.) I just hope my letters help.
Regardless of the outcome -- I wish to congratulate you, the writers & the cast of The Wizard, for the fine episodes you have all created.
To CBS Executives (same letter to each of the four),
It is my understanding that this is the time of year when network executives decide which shows will be renewed for next season. I am hoping that one of those shows you will be renewing is The Wizard.
The Wizard is my favorite show & I believe it is the best & most unique show to have come out this past year. Yet, it has been highly under-rated & under-exposed. For several weeks it was preempted. It has had its time-slot switched a couple of times & yet, The Wizard has survived. Even now, put against The Cosby Show & Family Ties -- I still watch The Wizard.
The Wizard is excellent family entertainment. The show stresses a lot of very positive ideas - non violence, honesty, compassion, using "brain over brawn", etc. What few advertisements I do see for The Wizard seem to appeal only to kids. They oint out only its fantasy side. I'm not saying the show is or should be "preachy" but it's not all "fluff", either. This show really has a nice blend of message & entertainment.
As an adult, I 'm not watching The Wizard because my kids watch it -- I don't have any children. I just happen to find a lot of subtleties that appeal to adults. I find a number of similarities between The Wizard & Dr. Who. Dr. Who is an example of a fantasy show which appeals to adults. Both shows have fanastic situations & a strong leading character.
A lot of credit must go to David Rappaport. He is a very fine actor. He has prevented Simon McKay from becoming just an absurd, cartoon character -- his Simon is a witty, intelligent & very charming human being.
Please, give The Wizard another season. This show has a lot of potential & a lot to offer. I hope CBS realizes this.
Anna B., age unknown, West Allis, Wisconsin, USA - March 19, 1987
Thanks for sending other info where I can write. I did write all of them. Hope everything works out for everyone on The Wizard series. Wish you luck.
This is the letter I sent out to all involved.
To CBS Executives,
I'd like to put in a word, my vote as to why I think The Wizard should air another year. First, I know just how it feels to be out of work, unemployed. Second, The Wizard is highest with me because David is a real desirable actor. I like his constitute manner, his talk, & his great looks. He's like one of the family, you just adore him all the way. Also, all ages can enjoy him.
I watched one episode, I was touched. It provides unique entertainment. Anyone can scrimmage in bed, make make-believe love-chat on one another, drink up to their lips, cut up, etc. That I am tired of. With David, who can invent all those toys, can't be anybody but David. Who can take his place? No one. He's a very rare act. He's not that replaceable. Who's a better team than David, Doug, & Fran? I like the big house they live in. In fact, my mother was responsible that I took notice of The Wizard. She likes his satchel he carries around with him. She'll be 77 years old. Another aspect of the series is David always prepared at what he does. He's so cute.
I say give him time & he grows on you.
Thanks for listening.
I wish everyone the best of luck in everything they do & the show continues.
Judy D., age unknown, Chester, Pennsylvania, USA - March 20, 1987
I am not good at writing letters, in fact, I hate it as I'm not an expert on expressing myself.
Anyhow, I've heard rumors that the "Wizard" may be canceled! Honestly, I think that would be a very big mistake.
David Rappaport is just great as Simon McKay. His imagination, wisdom, humor, intrigue is very unique. You keep wondering what he'll be coming up with next. These stories are just wonderful, full of adventure, his gimmicks are great without too much violence.
To cancel this different & creative program would be very unforgiving. Everyone who watches these unique & different stories enjoys the magic & talent of Simon McKay. It is most refreshing to see all the gadgets that Simon can concoct, instead of watching detective stories that always has murders, guns, drugs, etc.
Simon McKay personifies kindness, gentleness, love, caring, & there are many more adjectives to describe him.
And now a few words about Tillie & Alex. They should be given more involvement in this series. They both should have a little more to do & to show their characters upgrading, with more involvement.
Well, I'm very happy to tune into this delightful program & actually look forward each week to seeing it. In fact, I'm disappointed when they miss a week & don't show it.
My niece who works late always has it taped, so that she can see it. Please do not cancel this clever, unique, & different, & most entertaining show of this season. Both the younger set & the mature, older set enjoy the Wizard very much, & it would be stupid to take it off the air. Good luck to all of you & may this show continue for a long time.
Margaret D., age unknown, La Mesa, California, USA - March 17, 1987
Here is a rough copy of the letter I sent to all 4 people you mentioned. Will you please mention that I did this to Mr. Berk & Mr. Schwartz. I changed each letter a slight bit but all were in the same vein.
Now, I'm getting my Mom to send letters also.
"Never Give Up" we are rooting for you.
To CBS Executives,
Just wanted you to know I'm an avid fan of your program "The Wizard".
I sure hope you like it as much as I do - I'm hoping it will be on next year's schedule.
I admire "David" very much & enjoy all his pranks. He makes life a happier place.
Thank you for listening.
Estelle M., age unknown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - March 21, 1987
This is a copy of my letter I wrote to those other addresses you sent me.
To CBS Executives,
I am writing to you because I want you to renew the Wizard for another season or for as long as Mr. Rappaport, Mr. Barr & Ms. Ryan want to do the series. It's the only show that has no sex & very little violence in it. It is a perfect show for kids as well as adults. I think if the character of Simon McKay was gone, it would be a great loss to the world as well as TV.
Mr. Rappaport is a great actor & he brings magic to his character; there really should be a person like Simon McKay. As soon as you see him you like him. So please consider renewing the Wizard.
Attached is a copy of the letter I sent to the four important people responsible to keep "The Wizard" on the air.
I gave some of the yellow flyers you sent me to my brother & family since they watch the show too. They said they would write.
Thank you for letting me know who to write to keep the program on the air.
I hope I have been of some help to you & the show. I pray they keep it on! Good Luck.
To CBS Executives,
I write to you in regard of "The Wizard" show. I thought you might like to know my feelings about this program. Since the first time I have seen it I have become quite attached to "The Wizard". I find the show most interesting as well as very entertaining.
Not only is the star, David Rappaport, very handsome but also most talented as an actor. The show teaches young people as well as adults to think positive thoughts & to believe that anything can be accomplished if you just try hard enough. Why didn't they have a show like this when I was a kid? It would have helped me in my life. The show has a great deal of good qualities interwoven with a lot of fun. It's a clean wholesome program for the whole family.
This program is like a breath of fresh air compared to many of the other shows on T.V.
I implore you, don't take the program off the air. Let it run for a long time! The show deserves a chance. I know there are a lot of people you don't know about who watch this program.
I thank you for your cooperation in this matter & I appreciate your attention to my letter.
Gladys V., age unknown, Flushing, New York, USA - March 23, 1987
I couldn't get to the post office to make a xerox copy, but I rewrote it for you. Here it is:
To CBS Executives,
Hi! How are you? Great, I hope. I am writing in concern of the t.v. show "The Wizard". I love that show very much. It is very entertaining for me & for my kids. They sit through the whole show watching it. And believe me that is hard for them, they are only 2 & 3 years old. I hope it says on for another season. We need more shows lie that on t.v. It is great fun, plus I love David Rappaport & Doug Barr. It is a rewarding show & it is so educational for kids. I do hope you keep it on.
I have enclosed a copy of the letters I mailed to the CBS people. It is my sincerest hope it does some good. I'm telling everyone I know to support this cause. Most of the people I know love the show!
Never Give Up!
To CBS Executives,
I have learned that CBS might cancel The Wizard, & I'm deeply concerned about this. I have very much enjoyed this show & have from the start. First, The Wizard was never given a chance, moved from Tuesday nights to Thursday night & being preempted almost every week. It is a fine, wholesom show, not only for kids, but for the entire family. A positive value, warmth that I can identify with, great acting from David Rappaport, Fran Ryan & Doug Barr; I have always enjoyed the acting & the believability of the actors in that show. Most of the shows today, the actors seem to be standing in line, deliver their lines & walk off. In The Wizard, Simon, Tillie & Alex don't seem to be acting & deliver an outstanding performance. I look forward to this every week. The episodes are great, the premise of what the show is about is outstanding & is so different from the other programs.
I know it may not be doing great in the ratings, but not all of America is in thos Neilsen households. Any time The Wizard is not on, being preempted, I'll simply change stations or watch a tape of a former show. Please reconsider cancelling sucha great show; start with the first episodes & let it run without preempting & it will gain a following. The show is at its best when Simon, Alex & Tillie are in that house & together. Put Simon in the situation & Alex & Tillie have to try & get him out,but, of course, The Wizard has already got out himself. Such episodes as "The Daydream Believer" showed fine writing & very unusual plot. Let those writers go -- beautiful work! If there is any show that deserved a chance it is The Wizard. I've given tapes of the shows to some of my friends & they love the show. Remember, as Simon would say, "Never give up."
Thank you for your attention.
James C., age unknown, Asheville, North Carolina, USA - March 23, 1987
In your letter you asked us to send you xerox copies of our letters to CBS. So, I am doing just that.
Take Care.
To CBS Executives,
I am writing to express my concern for the future of one of my favorite television programs "The Wizard". I realize the ratings have been very low so far but I urge you to give the show a chance to find its audience. A great many of my friends love the show & those who have children will not let them watch anything else because of all the violence on other network shows.
We need a show like "The Wizard" with all the madness in the world. It gives people a chance to see that it's possible to have action & adventure without blood & guts flying all over the place.
There is more to "The Wizard" than non-violence, however, much more.
I was born with what is known as Retenal Albinism. It is a very rare eye condition that means I have no cones & very little tolerence to light. I cannot go outside without very dark glasses & have never seen colors as a result. I am classified as legally blind. Getting a job is difficult & keeping it is even harder. My secret dream is to either write for television or act or both perhaps one day.
All my life I've been told "Blind people have nothing to contribute, you're better off at home" & until very recently I always believed it & didn't try for things I wanted. Until I started watching "The Wizard" that is. I tried out for a part in a local theatre production & got it! I'd never have even tried if it weren't for "The Wizard".
Please keep "The Wizard" on your schedule. There are a lot more people watching than the "ratings" would ever indicate.
Thank you for your time.
Vivian A., age , Austin, Texas, USA - March 25, 1987
Thanks for sending the information about writing to Save the Wizard.
It was my pleasure to write to the CBS execs. I wrote each letter by hand to get them in the mail right away. I couldn't get to a xerox machine & I felt this would be more personal anyway. Enclosed it a copy of the 4th letter I sent.
I hope the letter writing campaign works for everyone's sake. I love the show & especially David Rappaport, so I do care what happens.
To CBS Executives,
I am writing to you to ask you to keep THE WIZARD on the air & renew it for another year.
I feel that ratings don't tell the whole picture. This is a very good show & it has a lot to offer people of all ages. (I, myself, am 34) It is a decent, moral program that is interesting & entertaining. David Rappaport is excellent as the Wizard. He is kind, understanding, intelligent & creative. His supporting cast is well-chosen & enjoyable. I get a kick out of Fran Ryan & Doug Barr.
THE WIZARD is my favorite program out of all the shows on CBS, NBC & ABC! Although I enjoy Bill Cosby & Family Ties, now THE WIZARD is on Thursday nights I will gladly miss those two very popular programs. I don't want to miss a single episode, whether new or re-run. I have never missed an episode when it was in it's original Tuesday slot & when it was temporarily on Saturday night.
I can't say enough about this show. It is very imaginative & funny. It has a lot of positive features. It is a family show, which is a rare thing. Young & old alike can enjoy it together. THE WIZARD sets a good example for impressionable young people & can be a good teacher to them.
The program has too much to offer to cancel it. Why not give it a chance to continue setting a good example while entertaining the audience at the same time.
It is a great adventure show & in my opinion, nothing can replace it.
Thank you for your time.
P.S. The new robot H.E.N.R.I. VIII introduced on the March 12 episode is the most interesting robot I have ever seen!
Sue B., age 34, Redding, California, USA - March 21, 1987
Forgive me for taking up your valuable time as I know that you must be more than busy trying to help my No. 1 show on television, "The Wizard". As you requested, I wrote to the CBS executives demanding that CBS will no cancel "The Wizard". As I told you in my last letter, I did not tell the CBS executives that you requsted me to write to them. I also asked a few friends to write, as well. If there is any other thing that I can do to help, for my "Wizard", feel free to let me know.
George B., age unknown, Collingswood, New Jersey, USA - March 24, 1987
I am a student. I would like to know what you are doing to the wizard. I like to watch it & as a sixth grader I like it. It is a good show & I think you should keep the wizard.
Thank you for your time.
P.S. Please do keep the wizard on the air.
Jamie M., age unknown, Mountlake Terrace, Washington, USA - March 24, 1987
Here is a copy of the letter I wrote to the CBS executives.
It took me a few days to figure out what to say. I'm not to good expressing myself in words.
To CBS Executives,
I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy "The Wizard". It's such a refreshing show. Each episode is wonderful & outstandingly done.
It's great to see someone willing to help other people. Simon McKay is someone we can all look up too!
Every time I watch "The Wizard" I'm left with such a happy feeling.
One main reason I like the show so much is that there isn't the sex & violence there is in other shows. i'm 26 but feel that sex & violence is really unnecessasry for a good show that is entertaining.
I hope to see some new episodes in the future.
Mandy N., age 26, Largo, Florida, USA - March 25, 1987
I should like to write as succinctly as possible. (There are those who believe that individual opinions can make a difference. Whether this is true or not does not influence my gesture of responsibility, although it would justify it.)
All of this as regards the television show, 'The Wizard'. I am writing to urge you to renew this show for another year. I have watched every episode of this show. I do not kill time in front of the television. I don't like to make choices among a field of poor compromises. I turn the television off.
I watch 'The Wizard' for innocent delight. I don't think television has to 'write down' to a children's level (whatever that is) to create a show children can enjoy. I don't think it is necessary for adults to feel childish in seeking that which contains simple wonder & imagination. I think shows that can appeal to both children & adults are extremely rare, unusually thoughtful, & much to be desired.
I wish I could, simply by writing a letter, ultimately persuade & effect the renewal of this enjoyable, unique program which deserves a chance to be continued. I intend to xerox copies of this letter, since I doubt I could rewrite it any more efficiently, in case there are other executives to whom my opinions may be directed. Discovering the appropriate channels of communication for such concerns & feelings is not an immediately attainable goal. It has proved to take a bit of doing & a little thoughtful puzzling.
G.N., age unknown, Denver, Colorado, USA - March 25, 1987
Enclosed is a copy of the letter I have sent to the 4 CBS executives as per your request. I hope that the letters will help to keep "The Wizard" on the air for another season.
Good luck to you all & we hope to see "The Wizard" on again next season.
To CBS Executives,
My family & I are faithful & loyal viewers of "The Wizard". We were distressed to learn that "The Wizard" may not be renewed for the coming season.
"The Wizard" is one of the few shows that we consider a family show. 'Simon McKay' is a person that some may consider handicapped, but he shows us that one need not be 'normal' to achieve our dreams & goals. "The Wizard" has wonderful special effects & whimsical reminders of our childhood imaginations. It is refreshing to watch a show that has the necessary 'bad' guy but also has compassion & humor.
David Rappaport, Doug Barr & Fran Ryan are wonderful actors that compliment each other. I feel that it would be a real lost to the vast wasteland of TV to have one more good family show go off the air.
I hope that my letter will help you in making the decision to renew "The Wizard" for another year.
Jennifer M., age unknown, Edmonds, Washington, USA - March 16, 1987
Hi, my name is Bridget. I am 24 years old. I enjoy watching The Wizard very much & I haven't missed an episode yet! I think it's a great show for kids & adults alike & would like to see it on the air next year too!
Bridget L., age 24, Portland, Oregon, USA - March 20, 1987
Enclosed are the letters our family sent to the CBS executives. We also sent one like the one from Jane from Gary. In all we sent 4 letters to each.
Thank you for letting us help try to save "The Wizard".
To CBS Executives,
We have a favorite show in our house, THE WIZARD. It is one of the best shows on television. It is entertaining & educational. It is the favorite of our whole family, ages 6 through 42 years of age.
It is a great pleasure to have a show such as THE WIZARD to watch. It is one of very few we can actually enjoy with our children. There should be more entertaining family shows such as this on television instead of night time soap operas, which are not fit for children to see. Why is it when children are home & can watch T.V. there aren't more shows like THE WIZARD for them to watch.
We hope you will, please, consider continuing THE WIZARD for at least one more year.
Jane B., age unknown, Bellflower, Illinois, USA - March 18, 1987
To CBS Executives,
I am Elizabeth B. I am 6 years old & in first grade.
I like to watch "The Wizard". I like it because I like the toys that he makes & he is real nice & helps a lot of people.
Please don't take him off.
Elizabeth B., age 6, Bellflower, Illinois, USA - March 18, 1987
To CBS Executives,
"The Wizard" is a great success with me. I think it is a very interesting & educational show. I watch it whenever I can. I hope you get enough letters that you decide to keep it on the air. I wish you would keep "The Wizard" on & take " The New Mike Hammer" & "The Twilight Zone" off.
Lee B., age unknown, Bellflower, Illinois, USA - March 23, 1987
Enclosed are copies of letters that were individually sent to all the CBS exectutives.
Denise M., age 19, Buchanan, New York, USA - March 17 & 24, 1987
To CBS Executives,
I am writing to you in concern about the future of your CBS show "The Wizard". I have been watching the show since September & have never missed an episode since that time. I am 19 years old & have watched plenty of television programs over the years. Though I have never come across a show that has literally effected my life until CBS aired "The Wizard". Here is a show that stars a man who is 3'11" & in that one way it makes him "different" from a lot of people. Feeling different or inferior is felt by everyone in one way or another. Every single viewer of "The Wizard" can relate to the character, Simon McKay, each in their own way. This show tells us that no matter who you are or how different you may be, we are all special. As crazy as the world is today, people need to hear that. I am very grateful that David Rappaport & his character, Simon, have entered my life. Both have made a positive change in me, personally. Besides, not only is this show philosophical, it's also humorous, & you never see Simon McKay resort to violence. A hero that uses his intelligence to stop a crime instead of picking up a gun. The public blames television for aiding somewhat in the violence that goes on today. Here's a show without all that violence. Give "The Wizard" a chance, don't turn your backs on it. Also, I am sure that stating my age shows you that "The Wizard" is not just a show for children. Why cancel a show that not only is entertaining to watch, but also teaches in the process?
Denise M., age 19, Buchanan, New York, USA - March 16, 1987
To CBS Executives,
I would like to say that I consider the television show "The Wizard" to be a very entertaining show. It is imaginative, inventive, & intriguing, & has a very professional cast of characters. My family & I would like the show to continue for another year. Thank you for your consideration.
Rosemary M., age unknown, Buchanan, New York, USA - March 14, 1987
To CBS Executives,
I would like to express my opinions & feelings about "The Wizard". I love the show & hope to see it continued for next year. I am 17 years old & enjoy watching every week, for I feel that the show has good story lines. Ones that hold my attention until the very last minute of the show. The special effects involved with the show are creative & rather interesting to watch. "The Wizard" should be continued because people need to admire someone like Simon McKay. Someone who deals with a problem with constructive solutions.
Maryanna M., age 17, Buchanan, New York, USA - March 21, 1987
To CBS Excutives,
At the beginning of the television year, a new show appeared on Tuesday, "The Wizard", & I found it very enjoyable & refreshingly appealing.
Why did you change the day, & why has it been pre-empted so much? Please return it to Tuesday & keep it on the air.
R. M., age unknown, Buchanan, New York - March 22, 1987
To CBS Executives,
I am writing this letter to let you know that I think your show, the Wizard, is a superb & very interesting show. It has suspense & a heart warming effect on everybody, including very good acting & good stories. This show should be kept on the air so we could enjoy a little bit more of life.
Edward M., age unknown, Buchanan, New York, USA - March, 1987
To CBS Executives,
I'm wondering what the decision will be on whether or not the TV show "The Wizard" will be selected for next year or canceled. I'm a regular viewer of the show & would very much like to see it get the recognition it deserves. Since "The Wizard" had been pre-empted for a month early in the season, it made it quite hard to create a following. Since I am an avid viewer I know what this show is made of. So I know that, if given a proper time slot, " The Wizard" will do as well as it should have in the beginning of the season. I think this show is special enough to put a little extra effort into it.
Tammy S., age unknown, Buchanan, New York, USA - March 23, 1987
To CBS Executives,
Every week at the same time I sit in front of the television set to watch "The Wizard". I'll admit I didn't know what to expect from the show before I had actually seen it. But you know what? I really liked it. This isn't just a children's show. Adults can also enjoy watching "The Wizard", as I do. It's fun to watching Simon pull all sorts of interesting gadgets out of his bag to help get him or his friends out of a situation they may find themselves in. David Rappaport is a terrific actor & his character, Simon McKay, is enjoyable to watch. He's sensitive, clever, & has a great sense of humor. It would be a shame to let this show go.
Jennifer M., age unknown, Buchanan, New York, USA - March 23, 1987
To CBS Executives,
Hello, my name is Robin & I want to tell you that I watch "The Wizard" every week & I enjoy it. I find the show very entertaining & I wish you would continue it for next season. The show is just not for children but for adults, too. Simon, the character in the show, seems to be a very caring person, & whenever he deals with a problem it is without using violence, & I feel a show like that should be kept on because today all you see on television is violence. I think that people like to be able to watch television & be able to laugh than to watch violence.
Robin T., age unknown, Buchanan, New York, USA - March, 1987